ZOGA meets dancers at KOKO Teatteri


Reija’s interest towards the free music led her in spring 2006 to a new collaboration project with percussionist shaman Otzir Godot and virtuoso violinist Zigrot Baude. As the team was originally build around alter egos – Reija digged deeper into her soul and discovered a secret and hidden twin sister, Karla Namak, the human voice witch.

So – Karla bravely entered the stage and BANG! – Zoga was born.

Zoga means piercing the free improvisation with drama. Zoga members are three escapists – trying to hide and seek – or shout out loud and reveal. Zoga is about violin & effects, human voice and percussion. Zoga is about free music sessions – performance – drama!

Zoga live sessions are trips beyond the subconscious. Primary joys and pains burst out magically embracing the tones and tales. Theatrical expression deepens the mutual ritual with the audience. Anything can happen. Joint euphoric catharsis is the outcome.

The group has one common value to be shared: absolute freedom.